The disease that occurs as a result of the change of the pieces of flesh called polyps in the large intestine is called colon cancer. Colon cancer, which we encounter in the 3rd frequency in cancer ranking, is seen in 1 out of every 20 people in the society. In patients who have lost the chance of early diagnosis, it ranks 3rd in cancer-related deaths.
Excessive consumption of fatty and processed foods, excessive meat consumption, alcohol, smoking, genetics and intestinal polyps are risk factors. In people over 60 years of age, the risk increases 8-10 times.
Colon cancer usually presents with polyps in the initial period. While polyps do not give symptoms at first, they cause obstruction in the intestine with the increase in number and size over time. Patients experience constipation or changes in the consistency and odour of stool. In the following period, bleeding starts and manifests itself with weakness, fatigue and pale skin due to anaemia. An advanced cancer usually appears in this period. Abdominal pain, loss of appetite and weight loss are among the other findings.
Colon cancer usually shows up with polyps in the initial period. While polyps do not cause symptoms at first, they cause obstruction in the intestine with the increase in number and size over time. Patients experience constipation or changes in the consistency and odour of stool. In the following period, bleeding starts and manifests itself with weakness, fatigue and pale skin due to anaemia. An advanced cancer usually appears in this period. Abdominal pain, loss of appetite and weight loss are among the other findings.
In the early period, polyps are removed with colonoscopy. If it is stated that the stalk part is completely removed as a result of the examination of the polyp by the pathologist, the procedure is sufficient. In polyps with high change, the stem part may be troublesome. In these patients, that part of the large intestine should be removed by surgery.
In late polyps or masses, the only solution is to remove the mass and lymph nodes with surgery. In suitable patients, it is possible to perform this surgery laparoscopically, in other words closed.
In some special cases, when the mass is removed, the upper and lower colon cannot be sutured together. In cases such as fluid collection, infection or insufficient blood circulation, the healing in the connection area where the sutures are located will not be sufficient. In patients for whom this is foreseen, if we think that there will be a possible wound separation, that is, an opening in that area due to the non-healing of the new connection, the opening of the lower part of the intestine is closed. The intestine coming from the upper part is sewn to the skin through the hole opened in the abdominal wall. Special bags are tied and the patient defecates through the skin into this bag. Of course, when the general condition of the patient recovers, this bag is taken inside with a second operation and the connection between the intestines is re-established.